For over four years, my wife and I have been very involved with investing into the lives of students at North Central High School. This high school is in the West Central Neighborhoods in Spokane and is one of the lowest income schools in Washington State. We have had the privilege of walking alongside and help some truly incredible teenagers over the years. The need in this neighborhood is tremendous. So many students are raised in homes with substantially less financial means then necessary for day to day life and deal with adversity that is foreign to most of us. Through living life with these teenagers, our goal is they we would know they are loved by God, they would have confidence in their abilities and give them the comfort of knowing we will always be there for them. We partner with a ministry called YoungLife in reaching these students. In our opinion, it is much more beneficial to enter into the world of these teenagers rather then sit on the outside, inviting them to our events. We enter into their world by going where they are. I am a wrestling coach at the school and we have a team of leaders who are regularly in the school. The number of lives that have been drastically transformed is unbelievable.
If you would like more information about the ministry happening at North Central please give me a call. I would love to share all about it with you. If you are interested in learning more about YoungLife. Please clink this link:
Investing in the lives of these students is a major passion of mine. I strongly believe they are worthy of the investment. My real estate business is the main source of funding for this ministry. By buying and selling a home through me, you will be directly impacting the lives of multiple kids lives!